Before starting any maintenance work, please read the Maintenance Manual completely as it contains important safety relevant information. Failure to do so may result in personal injuries including death. Consult the orginal equipment manufacturers handbook for additional instructions!
These technical data and the information embodied therein are the property of BRP-Rotax GmbH & CO KG, Austria, acc, BGBI 1984 no. 448, and shall not, without prior written permission of BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG, be disclosed in whole or in part to third parties. This legend shall be included on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part. The Manual must remain with the engine/aircraft in case of sale.
Before carrying out maintenance work on the engine, read this Maintenance Manual carefully. If any passages of the Manual are not clearly understood or in case of any questions, please contact your nearest ROTAX® Authorized Aircraft Engines Distributors or their independent Service Centers. BRP-Rotax wishes you much pleasure and satisfaction flying your aircraft powered by this ROTAX®-aircraft engine.
The structure of the Manual follows whenever it is possible the structure of the ATA (Air Transport Association) standards. The aim is the compatibility with the aircraft manufacturers documentation, which means they must then adapt the documentation to their standard.
The purpose of this Maintenance Manual is to acquaint maintenance service staff (iRMT) approved by the local aviation authorities with some basic maintenance and safety information for service work. For detailed information related to aircraft and aircraft/engine installation, maintenance, safety- or flight operation, consult the documentation provided by the aircraft manufacturer and/or its dealer. For additional information on engines, maintenance or parts, you can also contact your nearest ROTAX® authorized Aircraft Engines Distributor or their independent Service Center.
Although reading such information does not eliminate any hazards, it promotes understanding, and applying of the information will promote correct use of the engine. Always apply common workshop safety rules.
The information and descriptions of components and systems contained in this Manual are correct at the time of publication. BRP-Rotax maintains a policy of continuous improvement of its products without imposing upon itself any obligation to retrofit products previously manufactured.
Engines require instructions regarding their installation, application, use, operation, maintenance and repair. Technical documentation and regulations are useful and necessary complementary elements for trainings, but can by no means substitute for theoretical and practical instructions. These instructions should cover explanation of the technical context, advice for operation, maintenance, installation, use and operational safety of the engine.