Iveco Cursor10 Cursor13 Repair Manual

Iveco Cursor10 Cursor13 Repair Manual
Iveco Cursor10 Cursor13 Service Manual

Iveco Cursor10 Cursor13 service Manual
Warnings shown cannot be representative of all danger situations possibly occurring. Therefore, it is suggested to contact immediate superiors where a danger situation occurs which is not described. Use both specific and general-purpose toolings according to the prescriptions contained in respective use and maintenance handbooks. Check use state and suitability of tools not subjected to regular check. The manual handling of loads must be assessed in advance because it also depends, besides weight, on its size and on the path.

Handling by mechanical means must be with hoisters proper as for weight as well as for shape and volume. Hoisters, ropes and hooks used must contain clear indications on maximum carrying capacity acceptable. The use of said means is compulsorily permitted to authorised personnel only. Stay duly clear of the load, and, anyhow, never under it.

Iveco Cursor10 Cursor13 Repair Manual
In disassembling operations, always observe provided prescriptions; prevent mechanical parts being taken out from accidentally striking workshop personnel. Workshop jobs performed in pairs must always be performed in maximum safety; avoid operations which could be dangerous for the co-operator because of lack of visibility or of his/her not correct position.

Inflammable fuel and all inflammable fluids and liquids must be handled with care, according to what contained on harmful materials 12-point cards. Refuelling must be performed outdoors with the engine off, avoiding lit cigarettes, free flames or sparks in order to prevent sudden fires/bursts. Adequately store inflammable, corrosive and polluting fluids and liquids according to what provided by regulations in force. Compulsorily avoid to use food containers to store harmful liquids. Avoid to drill or bore pressurised containers, and throw cloths impregnated with inflammable substances into suitable containers.

The resistance is ~ 0,7 Ohm. Such resistance is placed between the cylinder head and the suction manifold. It is used to heat up air during pre/post-heating operations. When the ignition key is inserted, should any one of the temperature sensors — water, air, gas oil — detect a value below 10°C, the electronic control unit will activate pre/post-heating and turn on the relevant dashboard warning light for a variable time depending on the temperature.

After that time, the warning light starts blinking thus informing the driver that the engine can be started. When the engine is running the warning light goes off, while the resistance is being fed for a certain time as a result of post-heating. If the engine is not started, with the warning light flashing, in 20 / 25 seconds, the operation is cancelled to prevent draining the battery. On the contrary, if reference temperatures are over 10°C, when the ignition key is inserted the warning light comes on for about 2 seconds and carries out the test and then goes out to signal that the engine can be started.


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