Detroit Diesel MBE 900 Operator's Manual

Detroit Diesel MBE 900 Operator's Manual
Detroit Diesel MBE 900 User Manual

Detroit Diesel MBE 900 This guide contains instructions on the safe operation and preventive maintenance of your Detroit Diesel MBE 900 engine. Maintenance instructions cover routine engine services such as lube oil and filter changes in enough detail to permit self-servicing if desired.

Detroit Diesel MBE 900 Operator's Manual The operator should become familiar with the contents of this guide before operating the engine or carrying out maintenance procedures.

Detroit Diesel MBE 900 User Manual Power-driven equipment is only as safe as the person operating the controls. You are urged, as the operator of this diesel engine, to keep fingers and clothing away from the revolving belts, drive shafts, etc. on engine installation.

Detroit Diesel MBE 900 Owners Manual The information and specifications in this publication are based on the information in effect at the time of approval for printing. Contact an authorized Detroit Diesel service outlet for information on the latest revision. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without obligation.

The MBE 900 engine is built in accordance with sound technological principles and based on state-of-the-art technology. It complies with all United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) emission standards. An emission label is attached to the cylinder head cover, as required by law. See Figure 1 for the emission label for the 6-cylinder EGR model and Figure 2 for the 4-cylinder EGR model.

The 2004 on-highway MBE 900 engine is equipped with an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system to reduce engine exhaust gas emissions in accordance with EPA regulations. See Figure 5 for a right front view of the MBE 900 EGR engine, 6-cylinder model, and Figure 6 for a left rear view.

The off-highway engine used in construction and industrial applications does not have an EGR system. See Figure 7 for a front view of the MBE 900 non-EGR engine, 6-cylinder model, and Figure 8 for a side view of the 6-cylinder model (right-hand side). See Figure 9 for a front view of the MBE 900 non-EGR engine, 4-cylinder model, and Figure 9 for a rear view of the 4-cylinder model.