Detroit Diesel Electronic Tools for DDEC VI Using DDDL 7.0

Detroit Diesel Electronic Tools for DDEC VI Using DDDL 7.0
Detroit Diesel Electronic Tools

The Detroit Diesel Electronic Tools Suite is a utility designed to assist the user in determining the version of DDDL to use with a particular engine. It monitors the J-1708 diagnostic bus for specific engine information and indicates the programs that may be used.

Detroit Diesel DDEC VI With this approach the primary diagnostic functions are contained in the ECU software with the tool serving as the gateway to these functions. The CBF file serves as the tools gateway to the functionality of the ECU. Updates to the new electronic tools may often be done through web downloads of a new CBF file rather than the release of new CDs.

Detroit Diesel DDDL 7.0 All DDEC electronics systems prior to DDEC VI used the J-1587 (messaging) / J-1708 (hardware) standards for all diagnostic and data communications. All diagnostic software and translator hardware devices conform to the RP1210A communications standard of The Maintenance Council (TMC). The DDEC VI system will now use the J-1939 (messaging) / CAN (hardware) standards for diagnostic communications. DDEC VI Data Communications will continue to use the J-1587 (messaging) / J-1708 (hardware) standards. DDEC VI software and translator hardware devices will continue to conform to the RP1210A standard.

Additional Information on 2007 Electronics Communications. For data extractions (DDEC Reports) all the translator devices on the last page may be used as well as J-1708 devices like the Nexiq Lite-link. The Nexiq USB Link will be the translator device for programming DDEC VI modules (MCM and CPC). The USB Link will also be fully backward compatible with programming earlier DDEC modules in 1st Quarter 2007. DDC electronic tools software may only be used with the Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems.


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