Agrison CDF 40HP Operation Manual

Agrison CDF 40HP Operation Manual
Agrison CDF 40HP

Thank you for your trust in our company and thank you for purchasing the SH 30 Series Wheeled Tractor. In order to make you use this tractor accurately, reasonably and efficiently, please pay attention to the following important information:

  1. Before using this tractor, please carefully read this manual no matter whether you have the driving experience or not in the past. In this way, it will be helpful for you to operate this tractor more reasonably and efficiently.
  2. In order to create more economic benefits for you and prolong the service life of the tractor, please carefully read this manual and the accompanying instruction manual of engine and farm implements before using this product. In addition, please strictly comply with the regulations in the manual to operate and maintain the tractor well, so as to fully exert the performance of the tractor
  3. Please do not refit the tractor at will, so as not to affect the tractor's performance and cause accidents. Refitting the tractor will cause the result that the “Three Guarantees” service will be difficult to be performed.
  4. Due to the great differences in the agricultural situation and soil condition of various regions, the usage, parameters and supporting farm implements, as well as the operational efficiency recommended in this instruction manual may be different. Please make options according to practical situations.
  5. This tractor can be operated, maintained and repaired only by the person who is familiar with the tractor's characteristics and has the knowledge of relevant safe operations.
  6. The driver must have the driving license of agricultural vehicles and tractors signed and issued by the local traffic department.
  7. When the tractor is used, the regulations in the instruction manual shall not be exceeded, otherwise the tractor's performance may reduce or faults may occur.
  8. This instruction manual is not a product warranty, so any requirements shall not be proposed taking the data, figures and descriptions, etc. in this manual as the basis.

Agrison CDF 40HP User Manual
This instruction manual describes the safety precautions, running in and use of each part, technical maintenance, adjustment as well as faults and solutions, etc. of the SH 30 Series Wheeled Tractors in detail. It can be taken as the reference for drivers and repairers of the tractors.

Agrison CDF 40HP Operator's Manual
The SH 30 Series Wheeled Tractors are a kind of medium-sized agricultural wheeled tractors with multiple uses. This kind of tractor has such characteristics as compact structure, easy operation, flexible steering, great traction force, wide range of uses and convenient repairing and maintenance. If equipped with appropriate farm implements, the tractors can be used for the operations such as plowing, raking, sowing and harvesting. If equipped with a trailer, the tractors can be used to carry out the transportation operation for agricultural uses. The mass ratio (the specific value between total mass of the trailer and complete mass of the tractor) between the trailer and tractor shall be less than or equal to 3. Through the power take off shaft, the tractors can be taken as the motive power of water pump and threshing machine. The agricultural tractors can not be used in conditions which may cause the risk of contact with hazardous substances, e.g. spraying of pesticides. In addition, the agricultural tractors also can not used in conditions which may cause risk of falling and penetrating objects.

Please accurately equip the farm implements (according to the supporting farm implements of tractor listed in Appendix 9.5) according to the requirements in this manual, so as to obtain the maximum economic benefit. Users shall strictly comply with the conditions of use, maintenance and repair specified by the manufacturer as well as the basic requirements of the intended use. If the tractors are used for other operation, it will violate the intended use for the tractors.

This tractor can be operated, maintained and repaired only by the person who is familiar with the tractor's characteristics and has the knowledge of relevant safe operations.