Installation Guide For PowerHouse Generators
Supplied By M+H Power System. This manual is for guidance only and does replace any federal or local laws. Please contact a licensed installer for more details relevant to your installation in regards to this.
- Manuals
- Wiring Diagram for Controller
- Visual Inspection
- Unpacking Crate
- Exhaust
- Positioning of Generator
- Expansion bottle install
- Fuel System
- Pre Starting Checks
- Cranking Battery
- Controller
- Starting Generator
- Servicing Requirements & Parts
- Generator Do’s and Don’ts
- Warranty Statement
Please read and understand and all the manuals and supporting documentation in regards to this generator. Some of these are shown below:
Unpacking the Crate
Please take care when unpacking generator as not to damage unit and controller. Please note: use suitable size tools and equipment to ensure the unit is not damaged. On completion the unit should look like this or similar.
When removing generator from base please use correct lifting eye or correct lifting pockets to ensure unit is removed safely. Also please give unit a quick visual inspection to ensure no obvious sign of damage to unit.
Exhaust System
Please remove the U bolts nuts from end of exhaust located at the radiator end. Remove the metal insert from the end of the flexible exhaust and slide in the exhaust pipe end to ensure the 45 degree angle is facing down to stop water penetration into the system. Tighten up U bolts ensuring the flexible exhaust is not crushed and tightly holding on to the inserted exhaust pipe.
Positioning Of the Generator
When considering where to position generator please ensure genset is located away from flammable materials. Have easy access all round to enable work to be carried out easily in the future (for maintenance).
Also note that the wall of the building needs a hole cut in it to ensure venting of the radiator. This hole needs to be slightly larger than the radiator and the cowling mounted on the inside wall. The genset can then be fitted into the cowling to ensure hot air is released out of the building. Please also ensure vermin trap (wire mesh is fitted to outside of building).
Also note the exhaust has been mounted along the top of the radiator to vent all the hot exhaust gases out of the room. Please drill a hole capable of putting the exhaust through. Ensure exhaust is facing down to stop water from getting into the engine i.e. 45 degree angle is facing down.
Please ensure all holes in the wall are sealed around the edges and the sealing material is heat retardant, especially around the exhaust system hole.