Mitsubishi Motors' top quality engineering and manufacturing operations make your vehicle one of the best built in the industry. However, quality cannot eliminate the need for proper scheduled maintenance.
Your authorized Mitsubishi Dealership is in the best position to provide ongoing service to your vehicle by qualified technicians. Your Dealership will assist you in matching a maintenance schedule with your driving habits and local driving conditions, to make certain it meets your specific needs. They are committed to your complete satisfaction. Thank you for purchasing one of our quality products. We look forward to helping you take care of your Mitsubishi.
We, Mitsubishi Motors, offers better-equaled quality after-sales-service to all Mitsubishi valued customers in accordance with Mitsubishi Motors Corporate Philosophy. Mitsubishi Motors recommends quick inspection at Mitsubishi authorized dealers to offer safety, comfort and long-time usage. Attached Quick Inspection Guide is guideline rolled-out all Mitsubishi Motor's distributors and dealers worldwide
Mitsubishi Owners Manuals
File Name
Mitsubishi Zinger Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Veryca Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Savrin Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi RVR Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Proudia Owner's Manual.pdf
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Mitsubishi Pajero Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Outlander Sport Owner's Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Outlander Owner Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Airtrek Turbo User Manual.pdf
Mitsubishi 3000GT 1991 Service Manual, vol. 2 (Electrical Wiring Diagrams).pdf
Mitsubishi 380 Workshop Manual.rar
Mitsubishi 3000GT & Spyder 1995 Service Manual Supplement.pdf
Mitsubishi 3000GT 1991 Service Manual, vol. 1 (Engine, Chassis, Body).pd
Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) is a global integrated business enterprise that develops and operates businesses across virtually every industry, including industrial finance, energy, metals, machinery, chemicals, and daily living essentials. MC’s current activities have expanded far beyond its traditional trading operations to include investments and business management in diverse fields including natural resources development, manufacturing of industrial goods, retail, new energy, infrastructure, finance and new technology-related businesses. With over 200 offices and subsidiaries in some 90 countries and regions worldwide and a network of approxi- mately 1,200 group companies, MC employs a multinational workforce of over 70,000 people. mitsubishi outlander,mirage mitsubishi,mitsubishi mirage,mitsubishi lancer,mitsubishi dealers,mitsubishi dealer,dealership mitsubishi,mitsubishi outlander sport,mitsubishi suv,mitsubishi outlander 2018,2018 mits outlander,mitsubishi 2018 outlander,outlander reviews,car mirage,2020 mitsubishi mirage.
Corporate Philosophy – Three Corporate Principles
The Three Corporate Principles were formulated in 1934, as the action guidelines of Mitsubishi Trading Company (Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha), based on the teachings of Koyata Iwasaki, the fourth president of Mitsubishi. Although Mitsubishi Trading Company ceased to exist as of 1947, the principles were adopted as MC’s corporate philosophy, and this spirit lives on in the actions of today’s management and employees. The Three Corporate Principles also serve as the cornerstone of the management ethos of the so-called Mitsubishi group of companies. Active in many business fields and united by a common history and philosophy, the Mitsubishi companies continue to grow through a strong spirit of friendly competition with one another.
Corporate History
Foundation to 1970s
In 1954 the new Mitsubishi Shoji was founded, and that same year was listed on both the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges. In 1967, the company announced its first management plan. In 1968, the company committed to a large project in Brunei to develop LNG (liquefied natural gas). This was its first large-scale investment. Not content with mere trade-based activities, the company began expanding its development and investment-based businesses on a global scale, as evidenced by iron-ore and metallurgical coal projects in Australia and Canada, and salt field business in Mexico. In 1971, the company made “Mitsubishi Corporation” its official English name
The 1980s
MC needed to construct new systems to generate profits. The company began streamlining its established businesses and developing more efficient operations. In 1986 the company firmly entrenched a new policy, shifting its focus from operating transactions to profits. That same year a new management plan was drawn up.
The 1990s
In 1992, MC announced a new management policy, namely to reinvent the company as a “Sound, Global Enterprise.” MC began placing greater focus on its consolidated operations and increasing the value of its assets. More efforts were made to globalize the company’s operations and its people. In 1998, MC established “MC2000” which introduced a “Select & Focus” approach to business, strengthened strategic fields, and emphasized customer-oriented policies. The new plan was instrumental in shoring up the company’s foundations and paving the way to a prosperous future.
The 2000s
In 2001, MC introduced “MC2003”, an aggressive new blueprint for growth, involving an expansion of the company’s value chains, a strengthening of its profitability, and focused strategies to create new businesses. In 2004, “INNOVATION 2007” was unveiled which sought to establish MC as a “New Industry Innovator,” with an aim to open up a new era and grow hand in hand with society. In 2007, MC newly established the Business Innovation Group and Industrial Finance, Logistics & Development Group. Then, in 2008, MC announced its management plan, “INNOVATION 2009.” In 2009, MC systematically reorganized the Business Innovation Group and established its Corporate Development Section.
In April, 2010, MC reorganized and enhanced this section through the establishment of two new Groups, the Global Environment Business Development Group and Business Service Group. In July 2010, MC announced “Midterm Corporate Strategy 2012,” which sought to strengthen our management platform based on the diversification of business models. “New Strategic Direction – (The modern day interpretation of the Three Corporate Principles, as agreed on at the Mitsubishi Kinyokai meeting of the companies that constitute the so-called Mitsubishi group in January 2001.) Charting a new path toward sustainable growth” was released in May 2013, and outlined an image of the MC Group circa 2020 in which we reinforce our portfolio by increasing earnings from non- resource businesses. “Midterm Corporate Strategy 2018” was released in May 2016.