The first Midget was the M'-typo which went into production m 1929. taler in thet year live of them won gold medsls in the J.C.C. High Speed Trials at Brooklands and lha following year another five (wept to victory in the Double Twelve race at Brooklands Captain George fyiton. peihapt more than any man of hi( era. wa( addicted to the M.G. He took the 100-mp.h. record at MonllhSty in February 1931 with the EX 120 the first 760-c.e. car ever to reach the magic hundred Later he hammered home the achievement by covering 100 miles as well and even today it's an outstanding feat to cover 100 miles IN one hour The most famous of the ancestors, to most people was the 'J2' Midget.
It was the first sports car to become realty popular, and between July 1932. when the fust one came oft the line, and January 1934. when the senes ended, appronmately 3.600 were built in those days a large production figure We'll probably never know how many confirmed ipont car owners and M G. lovers started then car ownership with a 'J2'.many of whichare stillaround,beingcared for lovingly andgomg aswellas they ever did After the'J2‘camea successionof small thorough. brads,each a result of logical and careful development. The PB was the last Midget with an angina capacity of under one litre until the first of the current series. The 'PB' set the styling lor the most famous line ol Midgets, which continued right up to the post-war TF.
But what a tremendous number of records have been set up by the Midget in all the yearsI By the end ol 1932. Midgets held EVERY International Class H record! In December ol that year. George Eytton drove the EX 127 at MontlhSry to gain the record 120 m.p.h, from 760 C.C I The records that he late* smashed again and again withhis well-known special bodiedcar set the seal on the fame ol the M G Midget.
The famous M.G. Midgets of tho past form an impressivo backing for today's new Midget Mk.III, and the car you drive today is. without doubt, a car with a pedigree. It has a redoubtable ancestry in sports-car history. We defy you to read on without feeling the same sense of prido that we at Abingdon have in the history of our products.
THE M.G. MIDGET MK. III. Latest in a long, long line of world-beaters, the M.G. Midget Mk. Ill is produced by the world's largest and most experienced builder of sports cars. It is the latest expression of M.G.'s traditional Midget theme, the aim being to provide the maximum fun for the minimum money. To achieve this, M.G. have installed the thoroughly reliable BMC A' -series engine in a sleek sports car body, with simplicity the keynote throughout. The result is one of Britain's best exports and the world's most successful small sports car. The owner of the Midget enjoys the very highest standard of safety and road-worthiness, superb reliability backed by Britain's largest after- sales service organization, quite remarkable running economy, and the sheer pleasure of owning a famous marque'. The Midget has been raced and rallied with enormous success the world over, but its greatest achievement has been in providing sports-car motoring for the ordinary fun-loving motorist everywhere.
A twist of the starter key and the powerful 1275-c.c. engine burbles into life. Ease the remote-control gear shift into first, touch the accelerator, and you'll know what real motoring is all about ? On the road the MG. Midget comes right up to expectations. It feels taut, highly responsive, perfectly balanced. It is so easily controlled that you quickly find yourself driving much more confidently, much more safely, than hitherto The rack-and-pinion steering is absolutely accurate—the car goes precisely where you aim it. And the immediate response to the throttlo and sparkling acceleration gets you past obstructions and back to your own side of the road in the twinkling of an eye. Gentle pressure on the brake pedal pulls you up smoothly and straight in an incredibly short distance, and she'll do it again and again and again without a trace of brake fade There’s no doubt at all that the Midget makes the most of your driving skill and brings pleasure back into motor mg.