2010 and 2012 Mack Australia Right Hand Drive Operator Manual CMM, CMH, CLX, CXX, CSM
Your new MACK truck contains many new technological advancements that may require new servicing techniques and methods. An authorized MACK truck dealer is in the best position to provide technicians who have the necessary training, experience and tools to properly service your truck.
Thank you for buying a MACK vehicle. With proper care and maintenance, your new MACK will help you gain a competitive edge with its fuel-efficient drivetrain combinations, low maintenance, extended service intervals and, eventually, good resale value.
This handbook is referred to as the MACK Right-Hand Drive Series (MetroLiner, Granite, Trident, SuperLiner, Titan) Operator's Handbook. Its identification number is 21847026. Keep this handbook with the vehicle at all times to ensure that each owner and/or operator will have access to all pertinent information relating to the operation and handling of this vehicle.
Engine Identification
On MACK MP engines, the engine serial number is stamped on the left side of the engine block, below the inlet manifold.
In compliance with the emissions standards requirements, an engine exhaust emissions control sticker is affixed to one of the engine valve covers for all MACK engines. This sticker provides basic engine identification information. The engine information sticker is found on the top of the front cylinder head cover on MACK MP engines.