This Workshop Manual has been compiled in an endeavour to assist service personnel responsible for maintenance and overhaul, in properly maintaining the high standard of engineering achieved in the production of Rolls-Royce and Bentley motor cars. The book is copiously illustrated with photographs and orthographic reproductions which are suitably annotated in order to provide quick reference with minimum searching. Altrhough all information contained in the Manual was correct when going to print, modifications which may subsequently develop will be kept up to date by means of Service Bulletins. Information given in the latest Bulletin will supersede that given in the Section of the Manual to which it refers,until such times as the Manual is re-issued with the necessary amendments.
Instructions for the maintenance and overhaul of the 52 engine and the Refrigeration Systems fitted to the Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars are contained in individual volumes. Special Workshop Tools referred to in these publications and the Workshop Manual are listed and illustrated in a further publication. Personnel of Rolls-Royce Service Departments at Hythe Road, Willesden, London N.W.l0, and at Pym's Lane, Crewe, are always prepared to answer queries or give advice on individual servicing problems, but it will assist them if queries are accompanied by the chassis number of the car.
Subject to any existing rights of third parties, the information contained in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce Limited and should not be copied (in whole or in part) or used for manufacture or otherwise disclosed without the prior written consent of the Company. (This does not preclude use by engine and equipment operators for normal instructional, maintenance or overhaul purposes.)
A great deal has happened since the last issue of Post "55". The time has literally flown by. The Society has held two Technical Seminars at Headquarters. The first seminar, held in March, covered the removal of the rear springs, and the replacement with a set of re-arched springs. We also re-shimmed the front springs to correct the standing height. The second seminar, held in November, covered the overhaul of shock absorbers. At this seminar we invited the participants to bring along their own shocks and overhauled these units. We also covered the removal and overhaul of a pair of SI front shocks and refit them to the car. In March next year it is our intention to hold a seminar on differential overhaul in Mechanicsburg. I look forward to meeting you at a seminar. The Foundation of the RROC held an Engine Rebuilding Seminar at Sports Classics in MA in April this year.
This seminar covered the rebuilding of a six cylinder engine from a MK VI. This engine is the forerunner of the Silver Cloud and Bentley "S" Type and any member with one of these cars would have benefited from knowledge gained at this seminar. In the future we will hold another seminar which will cover the fitting of that engine to the car and hopefully having the engine running by the end of that seminar. The session will be held at Headquarters. By attending this session you will help the Foundation with one of its goals - to put this donated Radford MK VI back on the road.
When you joined the Society, the form included a box for an e-mail address and if you provided us with this information, you should have received a "broadcast mailing" providing you with information about up-coming tech sessions and a monthly "Tech Tip". If you have an e-mail address and did not receive this broadcast mailing and would like to receive it. The Society Badges are now finished. Jim Sprague designed, produced and mailed the badges for the Society. This of course was no small task and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. If you have not ordered a badge, then this may be a good time to do so. There are details in this magazine.
The Society Badges are now finished. Jim Sprague designed, produced and mailed the badges for the Society. This of course was no small task and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. If you have not ordered a badge, then this may be a good time to do so. There are details in this magazine. At the Business Meeting which was held at the Annual Meet in Lexington in August, I expressed my concern of how I am unable to give the Society the time needed to edit the Post "55". I therefore asked for volunteers to replace me as Editor of the Society magazine. I am happy to report that Debbie Habaker from Dallas, Texas has accepted the position. It is very important not to lull into the belief it is a one person job. All of the Society members should send in something to print. I will continue to supply the Tech Tips articles for the magazine. If we are going to have a newsletter worth reading, you the membership must take up the challenge and send in articles, tidbits, photos and thoughts. My thanks to all who have supplied me with pictures, stories, articles on your cars. It was most enjoyable being the messenger. I hope there are as many or more willing people prepared to take the time to supply the material for future magazines.
Differential OVERHAUL
It has been at least thirty-five years since the Silver Cloud and Bentley "S" cars have been produced and in that time the rear axles in these cars have been quietly going along with little or no attention. These cars were in every day use and there was not a great deal of service required, if the oil level was maintained, and they went nicely along. However as these cars became collector cars their usage became far less, and a phenomena appeared. Moisture in the rear axle sits on the bearings surfaces and this damages the surface.
This causes a vibration to set up, which in turn loosens the bolts on the crown wheel. When this occurs the teeth on both the crown wheel and pinion break. To avoid this I would suggest, if the differential in your car has not been inspected in the last ten or so years, you undertake the procedures of rebuilding the rear axle as shown in our technical tips article