The history of MAN Energy Solutions and the MAN Group stretches allthe way back to 1758. Frying pans and cannonballs were just some ofthe fi rst products to leave the St Antony ironworks, once the beating heart of the industrial Ruhr valley and now the site of MAN’s facility in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Oberhausen.
Just over eight decades later, in 1840, MAN was founded in Augsburg.Printing presses and steam engines – most notably machinery to power Augsburg’s fl ourishing textile industry – had become the company’s mainstay. Towards the end of the 19th century, the product range underwent another transformation when the steam engines were superseded bya groundbreaking new technology that was developed in MAN’s veryown factory halls: The diesel engine. Today, as MAN looks towards the decarbonization of industry and the wider society, the company is once again on the verge of transforming its product portfolio, this time to include hybrid, storage and digital service technologies. One thing has never changed: MAN’s success as a company has always been built on its openness to change and its capacity for technological innovation.
The MAN Museum, which fi rst opened in 1953, offers a unique insight into the compelling history of MAN – a company that has not just changedbut evolved over the decades. This exhibition showcases the company’s transformations and its Augsburg history – from its original guise as the Sander’sche Maschinen-Fabrik to today’s MAN Energy Solutions SE – by means of Augsburg products and, the most prized exhibit, the very fi rst diesel test engine. I hope you enjoy your time exploring the museum andfi nd this brochure helpful and informative.
1908 Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg, Augsburg
The paths of the two enterprises crossed in1920when GHH acquired a majority holding in M.A.N., giving rise to a group with extensive activities in the steel industry as well as in mechanical and plant engineering. Having refocused its operations after the Second World War to concentrate on mechanical engineering and commercial vehicle construction, the GHH Group was completely reorganized in1986and renamed theMAN Group. The business units were restructured to form independent subsidiaries of what is now MAN SE. Since2011, the MAN Group has been majority-owned by the Volkswagen Group.
Rudolf Diesel
1858 – 1913 Diesel, born in Paris in 1858 to German parents, learned about the pooreffi ciency of the steam engine during his studies at TU Munich university.In 1880, Diesel becomes head of the French branch of Professor Carl von Linde’s refrigeration technology company and, on his own initiative,builds an ammonia engine. From 1890 onwards, he manages Linde’s engineering department in Berlin. Further research gave him the idea for an effi cient heat engine.
In 1893, he is granted the German patent no. 67 207 for the “Working method and design of internal combustion engines”, and signs a contract with Maschinenfabrik Augsburg for the construction of a test engine.Working now entirely on a freelance basis, Diesel is able to devote all his time to the development and construction of his engine. Based on the test engine (see picture on page 18), the effective output is successfully verifi ed for the fi rst time in 1895, registering an effi ciency of 16.6 percent. Thanks to the support of Heinrich von Buz, the world’s fi rst operational diesel engine (on display at the German Museum in Munich) is built at Maschinenfabrik Augsburg between 1896 and 1897: Effi ciency 26.2%, 18 hp, enginespeed 154 rpm, fuel consumption 238 g/hph. Following its commercial launch in 1898, the innovative “Diesel patent heat engine” still has to clear several hurdles to fully meet the expectations of its operators. At the turnof the century, the diesel engine begins to conquer the world. It is used in stationary plants, and from 1903 it is also used for marine propulsionand to this day it remains the most economical of all heat engines. Rudolf Diesel lives to see only the fi rst signs of the major impact his pioneering achievement would go on to make. He went missing during a sea passage from Belgium to Great Britain in the fall of 1913 and has since been presumed to be dead.
The TGX XLX cab was based on a complete cab, which was partially dismounted in the interior and mounted on a rollable base frame.The long-haul cab is tailored to thefl eet segment and offers drivers comfort through features including a large interior with full standing height,storage compartments and a lower windshield to reduce sun glare and prevent the interior from heating up too much.
1967 780 HKA truck with six-cylinder diesel engine
- 186 hp (137 kW)
- Speed 2200 rpm
- Displacement 9592 ccm
The engine in this vehicle operates on the basis of the low-noise “M” process (combustion process using a spherical combustion chamber in the middleof the piston crown), which involves fuel being sprayed tangentially onto the wall of the spherical combustion chamber instead of into the centerof the combustion chamber, as had previously been the case.
2004 Six-cylinder D 2066 LF 01diesel engine
- 430 hp (316 kW)
- Speed 1000 – 1400 rpm
- Displacement 10,518 ccm
- Specific output 30.1 kW/dm3
This engine is driven by second-generation common rail technology (common fuel-feed to the cylinders).In this case, the injection pressure increases to 1600 bar regardless of the engine speed, and the timing and quantity of fuel injected canbe selected at will. Compared with the previous D 28 model, it is almost 100 kilograms lighter, consumesfi ve percent less fuel and is two decibels quieter.