Welcome to the growing group of professionals who own, operate, and maintain CLARK lift trucks. We take pride in the long tradition of quality products and superior value that the CLARK name represents. This manual will familiarize you with the safety, operation, and maintenance aspects of your lift truck. Clark Forklift EWP30 Operator's Manuals,Clark Forklift EWP30 User Manuals,Clark Forklift EWP30 Owner's Manuals.
The general topics covered in this manual are shown below. Detailed tables of contents are given at the beginning of each Section.
- Before You Operate Your Lift Truck ii
- About this Manual v
- Safety Signs and Safety Messages vii
- Truck Application viii
- Section 1. General Safety Rules 1.1
- Section 2. Operating Hazards 2.1
- Section 3. Know Your Truck 3.1
- Section 4. Operating Procedures 4.1
- Section 5. Daily Inspection 5.1
- Section 6. Planned Maintenance 6.1
- Section 7. Towing 7.1
- Section 8. Specifi cations 8.1
Before You Operate Your Lift Truck You must be trained and authorized to operate a lift truck.
First: Learn safe operating rules and your company rules.
Next: Read your Operator’s Manual. If you do not understand it, ask your supervisor for help. Learn about the unit you operate.
Then: Practice operating your truck safely. And: Keep your truck in safe operating condition with correct and timely maintenance.
Lift trucks are specialized machines with unique operating characteristics. They require specifi c instructions and rules for safe operation and maintenance. CLARK lift trucks are built to take hard work, but not abuse. They are built to be dependable, but they are only as safe and effi cient as the operator and the persons responsible for maintaining them.
Safety Standards
Your CLARK lift truck is designed and built to be as safe and effi cient as today’s technology can make it. As manufactured, it meets all the applicable mandatory requirements of ANSI B56.1 Safety Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks. Each truck is also furnished with certain safety devices—horn, for example—as standard equipment. ANSI B56.1, the standard for lift truck operation, includes rules about operation, selection, training, supervision, and maintenance. We suggest that owners, operators, and supervisors read this standard. See “Safety Standards” in Section 6 for more information.
Safe Operation
Safe operation of lift trucks is of primary importance to CLARK. Our experience with lift truck accidents has shown that when accidents happen and people are killed or injured, the causes are:
- Operator is not properly trained
- Operator is not experienced with lift truck operation
- Basic safety rules are not followed
- Lift truck is not maintained in safe operating condition.
For these reasons, CLARK wants you to know about the safe operation and correct maintenance of your lift truck. Clark provides this Operator’s Manual to help.
Know The Data On The Nameplate
NOTE: The Clark Forklift EWP30 is not UL rated!
- Truck registered name.
- Type of construction. The code number signifi es the UL type of protection, if applicable. Check with proper authority before entering areas where fl ammable or explosive material may be present.
- Truck serial number.
- Capacity, data.
- Truck weight, less battery.
- Battery weight.
- Battery identifi cation number.
- System voltage.
- Battery ampere-hour rating.
If the truck is modifi ed, the capacity of the truck may be affected. Contact your authorized Clark dealer for a new nameplate showing the revised capacity.