Scion is committed to be a good employer and promoter of equal employment opportunities. Our people and performance practices and Scion values help the good employer principles to thrive by building a culture and working environment that supports empowerment,diversity, equity, inclusion, innovation and accountability. We deliver on the good employer obligations through our Board Good Employer Policy and our Equal Employment Policy, along with our management policies, programmes and practices.
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Scion’s progress against key good employer elements over the 2020-21 financial year are summarised below.
Leadership, accountability and culture To deliver on Scion’s Strategy to 2030, three research impact areas were established and led to a reshaped Executive Management Team. Three Impact Area General Managers and the General Manager Te Ao Māori and Science Services roles were created, and the vacant Chief Innovation and Science Officer and Chief Operating Officer roles were not replaced. An organisational wide co-design process began with the science operating model, which resulted in a matrix operating structure in place of eight stand-alone science teams. Scion owner’s manuals, service, repair and maintenance manuals PDF, electrical wiring diagrams, scheduled maintenance, operating instructions,Scion xD,Scion xB,Scion xA,Scion tC,Scion iQ,Scion iM,Scion iA,Scion FR-S free download
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The new science operating model went live in April 2021 and has provided:
Greater career paths for our science staff, particularlyevident with the establishment of the new technologistpath;
Greater visibility and synergy of activity across Scion of theprincipal researcher cohort;
Greater utilisation and visibility of research capability acrossScion now that individual teams no longer operate in aninsular fashion.
From February 2021, corporate and functional co-design sessions followed, with the new structure to enable our science operating model being confirmed in the first week of July 2021.
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Leadership cultural foundations started with an executive and management development programme that will continue in a leadership development programme commencing in August 2021. A behavioural competency framework from SHL, an international talent management services company, was implemented. Behaviours applicable to the science area that oster a strong leadership culture are now included in position and role descriptions.
Our people processes and experiences continued to contribute to our envisaged organisational culture. Our Te Reo workshops were transferred into Scion’s Learning Experience Platform, and a Māori learning framework put in place as a precursor to the Māori competency framework.
A cultural committee was established to advance the cultural aspirations of Scion with a portfolio including diversity and inclusion, cultural engagement, psychological safety,social activities and actioning of Scion’s values. Pulse surveys were conducted before lockdown (with response rate of 89%)and upon return to the office (85% response). Responses to an open question that asked employees what they enjoyed the most about working at Scion indicated overwhelmingly that it is the people, followed by the environment and then science.