You are now the proud owner of a MAHINDRA ML170 Loader. This loader is a product of quality engineering and manufacturing. It is made of fine materials and under a rigid quality control system. It will give you long, satisfactory service. To obtain the best use of your loader, please read this manual carefully. It will help you become familiar with the operation of the loader and contains many helpful hints about loader maintenance. The immediate use of new techniques in the manufacture of products may cause some small parts of this manual to be outdated.Mahindra dealers will have the most up-to-date information. Please do not hesitate to consult with them.
Mahindra’s liability under this Warranty is subject to theobservance by the Purchaser of the following provisions:
- The purchaser shall at all times in the operationof any Mahindra Product, use those brands and grades oflubricating oils, lubricants or fuel and spare parts officially approved by Mahindra.
- The Mahindra Loaders shall have been used in accordance with the procedures specified in the Operator’sManual. This Warranty does not extend to damage resulting from misapplication, abuse, misuse, failure toperform maintenance, negligence, fire, accidents or changesor faulty mounting carried out by the Purchaser.When making a Warranty exchange of parts, the Purchaser shall compensate Mahindra for the time that theparts have been used if they have been exposed to extreme wear.
- Compensation is not paid for physical harm, deadlock, resulting damages, or other losses.
- To obtain warranty service, the Purchaser must(1) report the product defect to an authorized Mahindradealer and request repair within the applicable warranty term and (2) present evidence of purchase or date oforiginal use.
- The Warranty shall be void if the Mahindra Loader has been altered or repaired outside of a Mahindradealership in a manner, which, in the sole judgment of Mahindra, affects its performance, stability, orreliability.
- The customer shall be responsible for transportationexpenses for the Mahindra Loader to the dealership ortravel of dealer personnel to customer location for Warranty repair. The customer shall also pay any premiumfor overtime labor requested by the customer.
- Temporary repairs or additional costs due to the work being performed after normal working hours will not becompensated.
- The above warranty is in lieu of all other warranties on Mahindra’s behalf and neither party assumes anyother liability in connection with Mahindra’s Products.
- Any dispute arising between Mahindra and the Purchaser concerning the liability of Mahindra under thiswarranty shall be subject to the laws of the State of Texas.
Mahindra ML170 User Manual
Read entire instructions before beginning to install the loader. Personal injury and machine damage may be prevented if you read and understand these instructions and special safety messages.
When you are in the tractor seat looking forward, theRH and LH sides of the tractor and loader are the same as your right hand and left hand.
Use front tires of equal size and maintain equal pressure in each tire. The pressure of the front tractor tires must be increased to the maximum approved pressure recommended by the tire manufacturer to compensate for additional load placed on the tires with the Front End Loader. See your tractor Operator Manual. Adjust the front tires to the widest recommended setting on adjustable models for maximum stability. Front end weights must NOT be used while loader is on the tractor.
Front tractor weights must only be used when the loader is parked. Weights must be removed before remounting loader or serious damage will occur to loader or tractor front axle due to excessive weight.
The use of adequate rear counterweight to counterbalance for maximum loader capacity is required for safe loader operation. Weight added to the rear of the tractorprovides better traction and easier, more efficient loader operation.