Iveco F32 TIER 3 Engine Workshop Manual

Iveco F32 TIER 3 Engine Workshop Manual
Iveco F32 TIER 3 Engine Workshop Manual PDF

Manuals for repairs are split into Parts and Sections, each one of which is marked by a numeral; the contents of these sections are indicated in the general table of contents. The sections dealing with things mechanic introduce the specifications, tightening torque values, tool lists, assembly detaching/reattaching operations, bench overhauling operations, diagnosis procedures and maintenance schedules. The sections (or parts) of the electric/electronic system include the descriptions of the electric network and the assembly’s electronic systems, wiring diagrams, electric features of components, component coding and the diagnosis procedures for the control units peculiar to the electric system.

Iveco F32 TIER 3 Engine Repair Manual
If the valve seat are damaged replace them with the spare ones included in the supply. With the tools and being careful not to indent the cylinder heads, remove as much material as possible form the valve seats until removal from cylinder head is possible by means of a punch. Heat cylinder head up to 80o ÷ 100oC and with the beater assemble the new valve seats previously cooled in them.

Lubricate the valve stems (1) and fit them in the relevant valve guides in the same position they were before disassembly. Fit the grommets (2 and 3) to the valve guide using tool 99360292.

Cylinder head reassembly
Check that the cylinder head and crankshaft coupling surfaces are clean. Do not foul the cylinder head gasket. Fit the gasket (1) on the crankshaft in the correct centred position, taking the pins as reference (2).

Cylinder head base surface check
Any deformation detected on the whole length of the cylinder head must not exceed 0.20 mm. In case higher value is detected, grind the cylinder head in order to obtain the prescribed value. Refer to the main specifications reported here following and follow the instructions accompanying the figures below.

Iveco F32 TIER 3 Engine Service Manual
Check that the connecting rod shoe bush is not loose and that there is no trace of meshing or scratches otherwise replace it. Disassembly and reassembly must be executed using a suitable beater. When fixing it, make sure that the ports for oil passage on the bush and on the connecting rod coincide. Throughout a boring machine, bore the bush in order to obtain the prescribed diameter.

Due to the particular for of the first grommet, having trapezoidal section, the slack between said grommet and the slot must be measured as follows: the piston (1) must be projected from the crankcase so that nearly half of the grommet (2) in question comes out of the cylinder barrel (3). In this position, using a gauge calliper, measure the slack (X) between grommet and slot: the slack must comply with the prescribed value.

Checking head base surface on cylinder unit
After having detected any deformed areas, grind the head base surface using a grinding machine. Planarity error must not exceed 0.075 mm. Check the conditions of the cylinder unit processing caps: replace them if oxidized or in case their tight is doubtful.

REPAIRS CYLINDER UNIT Checks and measurements
Once completed the engine disassembly, carefully clean the cylinder-crankcase units. Use suitable eyebolts to handle the cylinder unit. Carefully check the crankcase has for cracks. Check the conditions of the processing caps: replace them if oxidized or in case their tight is doubtful. Check the surface of the cylinder barrels: there must be no trace of meshing, scratches, oval or conical shaping and excessive wear. Cylinder barrel inner diameter check to detect any oval or conical shaping or wear shall be executed throughout the bore meter (1) equipped with comparator, which must be previously be reset on the ring calliper (2) of the cylinder barrel diameter.

The measurements must be made for each cylinder, at three different heights from the barrel and on two perpendicular planes: one parallel to the engine longitudinal axle (A) and the other perpendicularly (B). Generally, maximum wear is detected on the perpendicular plane (B) and with the first measurement.
If oval or conical shaping or wear is detected, proceed boring and grinding the cylinder barrels. Cylinder barrel grinding must be executed based on the spare pistons’ diameter plus 0,4 mm of the rated value and at the prescribed assembly slack.