This manual consists of a “base” module that pertains to Clark Forklift ECG 20-30 models and other modules that pertain only to specific models. Manuals shipped with the truck contain the base module and the module specific to the purchased truck. You may, however, purchase specific modules and expand. your manual to fully cover multiple models. To do so, order the desired modules as you would any other Clark part.
Clark arranges parts and service procedures by standardized Groups. In this manual, Groups are similar to “chapters.” Groups are listed in the indexes on the next page. Each Group begins with a table of contents that shows the Secrions contained within the Group. Lengthy Sections also begin with a table of contents. Each Group and Section has an identifying name and number, or “ID.”
Each page also has a unique ID. The page ID consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. The three numbers represent the Group number, the Section number, and the page number. For Example, “00-1-2” on the lower corner of the page indicates Group 00, Section 1, Page 2. The Group number sometimes has a letter or letters added to it in parentheses if one or more variations of the Group exist. For example, if the truck has a standard transaxle, Group 06 is expressed as “06(S);” if the truck has a hydrostatic transmission, Group 06 is expressed as “06(H).” Clark ECG 20 Service Manual,Clark ECG 32 Service Manual,Clark ECG 20-32 Service Manual.
This service publication provides information covering normal service, maintenance and repair of the Clark industrial lift trucks noted on the cover. It has been specifically prepared to help owners and service personnel maintain these trucks in efficient and safe operating condition.
This manual is intended for use by persons who are trained and authorized to do lift truck maintenance. It is designed service maintenance and repair of the truck by trained mechanics or service technicians.
The Pictorial Contents lists components or systems by Basic Group Number of Major Parts. Additional content listings are placed at the beginning of each Section in the manual. General and detailed service and repair procedures are outlined (as required) for each component or subsystem. Some procedures include explanations that are common to several components or subsystems. Not every configuration can be pictured. Only “base” module and original designs are shown.
Procedures have been made easier to use by providing specific steps only when necessary and general instructions required to explain the activity, component, assembly, or process being worked on. The technician is expected to include obvious additional steps of standard procedure for removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, installation, etc., as needed.
To be better prepared to do the necessary service work, take time to completely read the entire procedure, including any special instructions, before starting any work. Before beginning to work, the technician is cautioned and expected to:
- Do all necessary service work.
- Take time to read entire procedures, including any special instructions.
- Contact Clark dealer or, Clark with any questions or procedures not addressed in this manual.
Safe Maintenance Practices
The following instructions have been prepared from current industry and government safety standards applicable to industry truck operation and maintenance. These recommended procedures specify conditions, methods, and accepted practices that aid in the safe maintenance of industrial trucks. They are listed here for the reference and safety of all workers during maintenance operations. Carefully read and understand these instructions and the specific maintenance procedure before attempting to do any repair work.
About Planned Maintenance
The Planned Maintenance Procedures provide a basic step-by-step guide which should be followed in servicing the vehicle. Adjustment Procedures, Specifications, Lubrication Guides, Overhaul Procedures, and other data are found listed under Group and Section Numbers. Regular, correct maintenance and care of industrial trucks is important not only for long and efficient truck life, but it is essential for safe operation. The importance of proper maintenance through planned service, inspection, and qualified repairs cannot be emphasized too strongly. Preventive maintenance instructions are provided for reference in setting up and conducting a recommended periodic Planned Maintenance (PM) program.