Diesel engine electric starting motor
As a safety start switch, relay K53 is supplied with earth only when switch (Z57) on the ground speed control lever is in neutral position, K12 is switching and the threshing mechanism relay K13 is de-energized. The ignition lock (S64) then actuates the diesel engine starting motor (M21) via relay K53 with +50a.
LEXION 500 Electric System
Starting: The safety start switch circuit of this engine is identical with the one used on the mechanically controlled engines. The engine controller module (A15) is activated via relay K51 by the ignition lock (S64). During the starting procedure, the engine controller module (A15) receives the speed signal from the sensor provided on the camshaft and starts the injection.
Engine monitoring: All sensors relevant for operation and monitoring of the engine are mounted on the engine wiring loom. Only the water level sensor is connected to the CLAAS wiring loom. The engine controller module (A15) transmits the signals for displaying the engine speed, coolant level and the coolant temperature to the CAB module (A10) via the CAN bus J1939. The CAN module (A10) converts this signal to the CLAAS CAN bus, thus allowing display on the terminal.
Engine diagnosis: The number of engine errors occurred and the corresponding error codes can be displayed in the terminal. Further diagnosis is carried out via the diagnosis plug in the central terminal compartment, using the Caterpillar diagnosis tool CAT-ET. The display of error codes can also be activated by the diagnosis LED (D2) after actuating the rocker switch (U22).
Diesel engine speed adjustment: The diesel engine speed depends on the position of switch S35. Three positions are possible, i.e. idle speed, half throttle and full throttle. When third gear is engaged, gearbox switch Z95 cuts the power supply to the CAB module (A10) and the diesel engine speed is reduced ñ road travel (see also diagram 44). The maximum speed which can be achieved now is country-specific and can be configured using the Claas diagnosis system CDS.
Time relay K58: The electronic circuit in time relay K58 delays the release circuit to the individual consumers by approx. 1.5 sec. and therefore guarantees stable operating voltage for the starting procedure.
Temperature warning: For a coolant excess temperature warning, the engine controller module (A15) transmits the corresponding signal to the CAB module (A10) via the CAN bus J1939. The CAB module (A10) converts this signal to the CLAAS CAN bus, allowing display on the terminal. At the same time and as a protective function, the diesel engine reduces its maximum power.